Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Aged and slow are the steps I take,

to the lake where the water flows free.

Humbled am I, by the quiet beauty,

that God has blessed and given me.

Through the years I will remember

the goodness of my life, not the bad.

It takes only the peace of the water

to appreciate the love that I've had.

There is this miracle of the water,

that makes our lives worth the while.

These memories will live on forever,

and bring with them, surely a smile.

Come walk with me by the water,

hold me and make my life shine.

We are given the gift of the moment.

it was never to be simply mine.


Aged and slow are the steps I take,

to the lake where the water flows free.

Humbled am I, by the quiet beauty,

that God has blessed and given me.


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