Monday, September 5, 2011

My Money My Taxes My Country

The United States Government to me is not a business to make money,It is a service related business which should be a  nonprofit business an spend every dime  on service related jobs to serve the people of this country,an to some that are not but deserving..Being a compassionate person it is hard for me to not care about the less fortunate.Freedom as we know it is not cheap an it come at a price some not as fortunate as we have paid the ultimate price.I personally do not want somebody in that office that knows how to make money. I want someone that has compassion an knows how to serve this country an knows the bet places to use the tool (OUR TAXES) that we supple them with .Money is just a tool an use it all for the good of this Country If you need any extra cut the salary of the CONGRESS .For some reason I 'm thinking of Baboons.

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